Acerca de
die Kekse

Version: April 3, 2023
Villa La Treizaine
Gassin, France
Cookies / tracking and other technologies related to the use of our website: We typically use “cookies” and similar technologies on our websites that can identify your browser or device. When a website visitor visits our website for the first time, only the essential cookies and scripts are loaded. The visitor can give consent for other types of cookies and scripts (e.g. functional, advertising, statistics) via the cookie banner. Visitors can either approve all types of cookies by clicking Accept or only allow certain types by clicking the Cookie Settings button. What is a cookie? A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer or automatically stored on your computer or mobile device by the web browser you are using when you visit our website. This way, when you visit this website [or use our app] again, we can recognize you, even if we don't know who you are. Why do we use cookies? Our interest in using cookies in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 f) GDPR is to make our website more user-friendly, effective and secure.
We use cookies to provide you with full website functionality, customize your experience, perform analytics and improve our services. Cookies are also used to deliver personalized advertising on our websites, apps and newsletters across the web and social media platforms, for example to gain insights into how many people reach a page on our website via a social media ad. The information is used to optimize social media advertising and measure performance. The following data and information is stored in the cookies: - Log-in information - Language settings - entered search terms - Information about the number of visits to our website and the use of individual functions of our website. What data do we receive? When the cookie is activated, it is assigned an identification number and your personal data is not assigned to this identification number. Your name, your IP address or similar data that would enable the cookie to be assigned to you will not be placed in the cookie. Based on cookie technology, we only receive pseudonymized information, for example about which pages of our shop were visited, which products were viewed, etc. You can set your browser so that you are informed in advance about the setting of cookies and can decide on a case-by-case basis whether you want to exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general, or whether cookies are prevented completely. This may limit the functionality of the website.
What types of cookies do we use?
We use four categories of cookies: strictly necessary cookies, performance cookies, functionality cookies and marketing cookies. Only the last three categories listed require user consent. Strictly necessary cookies do not require the user's consent, as these cookies allow a complete and continuous display of the content of the website in order to offer you access to the website and an appropriate digital browsing and online experience.
Strictly necessary cookies
Strictly necessary cookies are cookies that are necessary for a website to function properly and therefore cannot be disabled. These cookies are usually responsible for functions such as storing login information, managing the shopping cart in an online shop or storing language settings on a website. These cookies are essential to the user experience as they ensure that the website functions smoothly and that the preferences made by the user are saved. Without these cookies, the website may not function properly or certain features may not be available. In general, strictly necessary cookies do not require the user's consent as they are essential for the website to function. They are set automatically when the user visits the website and are deleted when the user leaves the website.
Performance cookies
Performance cookies are cookies that collect information about how visitors use a website. These cookies help website operators understand user behavior and improve website performance. Performance cookies can collect information such as the number of visitors, length of visit, most frequently visited pages and length of time spent on certain pages. This information is typically stored in aggregated and anonymized form to protect user privacy. The data collected through performance cookies may be used by website operators to identify and resolve problems on the website, improve website navigation and optimize the user experience. Performance cookies are usually not strictly necessary to run a website, but they can help improve the performance of the website and optimize the user experience. Before setting performance cookies, users are usually required to give their consent.
Functional cookies
Functionality cookies are cookies that are used to improve the user experience of a website by providing or storing certain functions that the user has selected. These cookies allow a website, for example, to remember the user's language settings, save the shopping cart in an online shop or automatically fill in form data. Functional cookies are usually set by the website operator and can also come from third parties such as social media platforms or analysis tools. Unlike strictly necessary cookies, functionality cookies are not strictly necessary to run a website, but they can help improve the user experience. Before functional cookies are set, users must usually give their consent.
Marketing/newsletter cookies
Marketing and newsletter cookies are cookies used by advertisers and other third parties to deliver personalized advertising and newsletters to the user. These cookies can collect information about user behavior on a website and then use this information to deliver targeted advertising and newsletters. Marketing and newsletter cookies can also be used to measure user engagement on a website and improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. The data collected is typically aggregated and anonymized to protect user privacy. Marketing and newsletter cookies are usually not strictly necessary to run a website, but they can help provide personalized advertising and newsletters that may be of interest to the user. Users are usually required to give their consent before marketing and newsletter cookies are set. In some of our newsletters and other marketing emails, and where permitted, we also include visible and invisible image elements, by retrieving them from our servers we can determine whether and when you have opened the email, so that we can also measure here and better understand how to use our offerings and tailor them to you. You can block this in your email program; most are preset to allow you to do this.
How long are cookies stored?
Cookies can be stored on your browser or device for different lengths of time. Temporary cookies, so-called session cookies, are stored on your device until you close your browser. Persistent cookies have an expiration date. Once the expiry date has passed, the cookie will be deleted when you visit the website that generated it.
Session cookies
We use so-called session cookies to optimize our website. A session cookie is a small text file that is sent by the respective servers when you visit a website and temporarily stored on your hard drive. This file as such contains a so-called session ID, which can be used to assign various requests from your browser to the shared session. This allows your computer to be recognized when you return to our website. These cookies are deleted after you close your browser. They are used, for example, to enable you to use the shopping cart function across multiple pages.
Persistent cookies
In addition to cookies that are only used during a session and are deleted after your visit to the website ("session cookies"), cookies can also be used to store user settings and other information over a certain period of time (e.g. two years) ("permanent cookies "). These enable us to recognize your browser the next time you visit. However, you can set your browser so that it rejects cookies, only saves them for one session or otherwise deletes them early. Most browsers are preset to accept cookies. We use permanent cookies so that you can save user settings (e.g. language, autologin) and so that we can better understand how you use our offers and content and so that we can show you offers and advertising tailored to you (which can also happen on websites of other companies; However, they will not find out from us who you are, if we even know that ourselves, because they only see that the same user is on their website who was on a specific page on our site).
Who sets the cookies?
Some of the cookies are set by us (first-party cookies), and some are also set by contractual partners with whom we work (third-party cookies). If you block cookies, certain functionalities (such as language selection, shopping cart, ordering processes) may no longer work. consent By using our websites and agreeing to receive newsletters and other marketing emails, you agree to the use of these techniques. If you do not want this, you must set your browser or email program accordingly.
If you do not want to use cookies on your device, you can manage your cookie settings by checking the box under “Cookie Settings” in the list of cookie categories. Please note that the changes/selections may affect the functionality of the website and personalized offers or advertisements may not be available to you. In addition to withdrawing your consent, you can easily prevent a browser from allowing cookies by configuring your browser's cookie settings accordingly. All commercial web browsers offer the option to individually set cookie options. You can find further information about deleting or deactivating cookies in your web browser settings. If you select the “Accept all cookies” option, you agree to the use of all cookie categories and authorize us to share this information with third parties such as our advertising partners. In some cases, this may mean that your data will be processed outside the EU or EEA. If you select the “Only necessary cookies” option, only “strictly necessary cookies” will be stored on your device. You can deactivate cookies that are not classified as strictly necessary for the functioning of the website at any time by withdrawing your consent.